All the video filming overwhelms you.

You’re not tech savvy and don’t care for fancy equipment anyway.

You want to focus on the message but are not sure how to get it across the best way in videos.

Let’s keep it fun AND simple!

I had to come and say that this was amazing. It got me thinking on so many things which I hadn't considered before. Lots of value here. Thank you so much for this.

This course will strip it all down for you in super simple terms.

  • What equipment you actually need (no extra cameras required)
  • How to make any video look nice (and not having to buy fancy gear)
  • What to do with lighting (and why just the sun isn't enough)
  • How to avoid the double chin mistake (and not sound like a tin man either)
  • How to generate free content ideas endlessly
  • How to tell an engaging story in every single video (yes, even live workshops)
  • And how to not act so super awkward in front of the camera (confidence boost included!)

It's perfect for people who are posting videos on social media (e.g. facebook lives, IG reels or Youtube) or doing talking head videos in online courses.

Once you know how to do a proper set up, showcase yourself in the best light and deliver naturally, you can apply this to ANY video on ANY platform.
Video filming basics

You're no Scorsese (yet). Or don't even care to be one. But there are certain video filming hacks that are so incredibly easy to understand but often overlooked.

I've been nomadic for five years and had to film on the go, so I have really narrowed it down.

The only equipment you need

You could buy all the latest equipment or you can get creative with what you have. I'll give you specific pointers of what is really worth splurging on.

Plus a full downloadable list of specific gear I personally recommend and how to use your phone and camera to their full potenial.

Trying out different angles for lighting
Lookin' nice!

Whether it's reels, live streams, digital workshops or edited video - if you angle your camera wrong, if the audio is tinny or if you lack message clarity, people will scroll onward. We don't want that!

Learn how to easily pique people's interest!

Pick a Pricing Option

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Basics of filming video – Visual Storytelling
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Essential equipment - Keeping it manageable
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Editing made super simple - No pro software required
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Taking action - Pressing record and doing it!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Congratulations + Bonus!
Available in days
days after you enroll


Is this self-paced?

Yes. You can watch the entire course in one go and then proceed to do the exercises. (Schedule in a few hours to do so).

You can also pick and choose where to start or go back if you feel you need a refresher.

Some lessons may not apply to you (yet) and you can skip them easily - for instance if you prefer to film with either a phone or camera.

Will I be able to take good video after taking the course?

Absolutely! Everyone can shoot good video. If you know how to set up properly. How to bring across the message and maybe even make sinple cuts.

I will guide you through the entire production progress of filming by yourself - be it live or prerecorded.

You just have to do the exercises to get into the habit of it.

Is this suited for beginners or the more advanced?

It’s made for beginners but if you’ve done video before but haven’t been serious about practicing and regularly uploading, then this is also of value to you.

Here’s the major perk: the goal isn’t perfection. Nope. You can totally set out to suck bad doing your video. At least you have made a commitment and are actually practicing video. Because practice and the right foundation are the keys to success.

Do I need to buy equipment for this?

No. I will teach you to use what you already have - be it smartphone or DSLR/digital camera.

How long is the course in total?

All mini modules combined add up to 3.6 hours of info-packed course material. It's not just audio and text, I guide you through all the steps visually!

Is this a practical course?

Yes. You will get videos with explanations and examples of what you need to consider with video as well as worksheets.

Are there payment plans?

Yes. You can pay everything upfront or split it into two payments.

Not sure yet?

Alternatively, I have also published a handy ebook packed with information on momre technical video filming basics, including tech gear, lighting and set up. You can get it here.